Chijioke Chris Chuwa
3 min readJul 28, 2019
Photo by Brendan Church on Unsplash

Direction can be defined as the course along which something moves, or it can also be said to be the management or guidance under something or someone.

I haven’t written anything worth publishing in a long time but decided to write about this because it’s something I’ve been thinking about a lot and said to myself, “why not put it in words”.

As an adult now, I’m forced to figure out things for myself and find out what direction I want to go with my life and I have to say, it’s really not easy at all. Sometimes I just sit down and look at my parents and wonder how they were able to figure out this life thing because honestly, I’m just winging it at this point in time.

There was a point in my life in the last two months where I was really down, my mind was plagued with the thought that I was not doing what I was supposed to and how I was so behind on achieving my dreams and actually becoming someone. I had just started a new job which I didn’t really fancy at the time and for three straight days I would wake up to get ready for work and cry before getting in the shower to have my bath, I didn’t know why and I didn’t know how to make it stop but at the end, I would get ready, go to work and go about my day normally. I didn’t talk to anyone about it just for two friends who I told what was going on at surface level, they did their best to help and for that I’m grateful.

The first half of 2019 hasn’t been terrible if I’m being honest, I finished university and moved to a new state to begin my NYSC journey. Everything was/is looking up, so I kept on wondering why was I sad. Truth be told, I don’t know what happened to cause all that but I’m passed it now and I’m stronger, thanks be to God.

Not everyone knows what direction they want to take in life, while that is a comforting thought, knowing that you are not alone in this predicament, it’s also horrifying to know that there are many people like you who have probably been at this life thing for much longer than you and still haven’t figured it out. It begets the question ”will I ever figure this out?”

Sometimes the thought that every decision we make in our lives could prove to be pivotal in our life’s story is a burden that’s too heavy to bear but we must bear it all the same and carry it on our backs throughout our life’s journey.

The one thing that is common among everyone is that even though some of us may not know what direction we’re going towards in life, we are definitely sure that the direction we want to go isn’t backward. Like the popular saying ‘forward ever, backward ever’ that is the life quote we all follow. You may not know what direction you want to take in life right now and it’s perfectly okay not to know, Rome wasn’t built in a day. So take your time and figure out what you want for yourself.

Photo by Ethan Sykes on Unsplash

This post may not give you the answers you seek but what I do have to offer are some words of encouragement/ advice.

Whatever you’re going through now will pass and you’ll be stronger and wiser at the end(this is cliche but it holds water). So instead of worrying about the future, focus on the little things to help you get your mind right and don’t compare yourself to anyone, take it one step at a time and I promise you’ll get there. Remember you haven’t come this far just to come this far.

P.S- This post was inspired by a friend who reminded me of how far I’ve come in such a short while and how close I am to my dreams than I previously thought. Sometimes we just need a little pick me up, to get us back on track.

